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Notre formation
Réservez votre formation Prévention Epuisement dès aujourd'hui et bénéficiez de l'offre spéciale :
Quel est le contenu ?
10% discount
This class will be a super easy introduction to getting started. For that reason we offer 10% discount!
Exceptional training methods
We guarantee an exceptional experience with flexible learning paths and professional guidance.
Video conferencing
Enhance your virtual programs by allowing your learners to access high-quality live sessions through desktop and mobile.
Engaging classes
Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, and much more.
Discuss with others
Participate in our online forum, share thoughts and ideas, increase connection, get help with your studies.
Drip feed courses
Scheduling of course content. Take courses in intervals or even on specific dates.
Foire aux questions
Quelle certification va me donner cette formation ?
Of course you can. This online school is fully responsive in all kinds of mobile devices. For optimal experience you can use the mobile version of Google Chrome, if your device supports it.
Faut-il avoir accès à Internet pour suivre les cours ?
Internet access is required since all of the course contents are online. We also recommend using a broadband internet connection, especially when you have to go through video content.
Est-il possible de parcourir un module en plusieurs fois ?
If you are enrolled to a course (paid or not) you will have access to the whole course contents. In most cases the contents are not available for download and you will need to be connected to the internet and access the contents through your browser. Certain material, like PDF files or PPT presentations may be available for download.